Science and Synaeda
and Science
Scientific research, discovering new treatment methods and thereby increasing the chances of recovery, is an important part of Synaeda.
Several scientists are active within our teams, conducting scientific research in collaboration with Brainclinics and others. Brainbased therapy, or therapy based on the workings of the brain of the specific patient, is gaining ground. Synaeda is leading the way when it comes to researching and applying these therapies.
Our research
Two major research projects and a number of additional studies are underway within Synaeda.
With a brain measurement we try to improve the treatment of depression. Because our research shows that an EEG measurement helps to address depression symptoms in more people, we offer it when depression is diagnosed (Fonteinland, Drachten and Heerenveen locations).
In addition, we are trying to better apply the innovative treatment rTMS in depression (repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation) by seeing which form of rTMS suits which patient.

Scientific publications
H.T.S. Voetterl, A.T. Sack, S. Olbrich, S. Stuiver, R. Rouwhorst, A. Prentice, D.A. Pizzagalli, N. van der Vinne, J.A. van Waarde, M. Brunovsky, I. van Oostrom, B. Reitsma, J. Fekkes, H. van Dijk & M. Arns (2023). Alpha peak frequency based Brainmarker-I as a method to stratify to pharmacotherapy and brain stimulation treatments in depression. Nature Mental Health, Volume 1, 1023-1032, https://www.nature.com/articles/s44220-023-00160-7
A. Prentice, Y. Kolken, C. Tuttle, J. van Neijenhof, R. Pitch, I. van Oostrom, V. Kruiver, J. Downar, A.T. Sack, M. Arns & N. van der Vinne (2023). 1Hz right orbitofrontal TMS benefits depressed patients unresponsive to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex TMS. Brain Stimulation, volume 16, issue 6, P1572-1575, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2023.10.005
A. Prentice, A.R. Barreiros, N. van der Vinne, S. Stuiver, H. van Dijk, J.A. van Waarde, M. Korgaonkar, A.T. Sack & M. Arns (2023). Rostral Anterior Cingulate Cortex Oscillatory Power Indexes Treatment-Resistance to Multiple Therapies in Major Depressive Disorder. Neuropsychobiology, 82(6):373-383. https://doi.org/10.1159/000533853
Alexander T. Sack, Jasmina Paneva, Tara Küthe, Eva Dijkstra, Lauren Zwienenberg, Martijn Arns, Theresa Schumann: Target engagement and brain state dependence of transcranial magnetic stimulation: implications for clinical practice. Biological Psychiatry 2023. doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.09.011
Zwienenberg L, van Dijk H, Enriquez-Geppert S, van der Vinne N, Gevirtz R, Gordon E, Sack A, T, Arns M: Heartbeat-Evoked Potential in Major Depressive Disorder: A Biomarker for Differential Treatment Prediction between Venlafaxine and rTMS? Neuropsychobiology 2023. doi: 10.1159/000529308 https://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/529308
E. Dijkstra, H. van Dijk, F. Vila-Rodriguez, L. Zwienenberg, R. Rouwhorst, J.P. Coetzee, D.M. Blumberger, J. Downar, N. Williams, A.T. Sack & M. Arns. (2023). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation-induced Heart-Brain-Coupling: Implications for site selection and frontal thresholding. Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpsgos.2023.01.003
Rouwhorst, R., Oostrom, I. van, Dijkstra, E., Zwienenberg, L., Dijk, H. van, & Arns, M. (2022). Vasovagal syncope as a specific side effect of DLPFC-rTMS: A frontal-vagal dose-finding study. Brain Stimulation, 15(5), 1233–1235. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2022.08.015
Meijs, H., Prentice, A., Lin, B. D., De Wilde, B., Van Hecke, J., Niemegeers, P., van Eijk, K., Luykx, J. J., & Arns, M. (2022). A polygenic-informed approach to a predictive EEG signature empowers antidepressant treatment prediction: A proof-of-concept study. European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 62, 49–60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euroneuro.2022.07.006
Folkersma, W., Veerman, V., Ornée, D.A., Oldehinkel, A.J., Alma, M.A., Bastiaansen, J.A. (2021). Patients' experience of an ecological momentary intervention involving self-monitoring and personalized feedback for depression. Internet Interventions, volume 26, 2021, 100436. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.invent.2021.100436.
Van der Vinne, N., Vollebregt, M. A., Rush, A.J., Eebes, M., van Putten, M. J. A. M., & Arns, M. (2021). EEG biomarker informed prescription of antidepressants in MDD: a feasibility trial. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 44, 14-22 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euroneuro.2020.12.005
Zwienenberg, L., Iseger, T. A., Dijkstra, E., Rouwhorst, R., Dijk, H. van, Sack, A. T., & Arns, M. (2021). Neuro-cardiac guided rTMS as a stratifying method between the ‘5cm’ and ‘BeamF3’ stimulation clusters. Brain Stimulation, 14(5), 1070–1072. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2021.07.005
Van der Vinne, N., Vollebregt, M. A., Boutros, N. N., Fallahpour, K., van Putten, M. J. A. M., & Arns, M. (2019). Normalization of EEG in depression after antidepressant treatment with sertraline? A preliminary report. Journal of Affective Disorders, 259, 67-72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2019.08.016
Van der Vinne, N., Vollebregt, M. A., van Putten, M. J. A. M., & Arns, M. (2019). Stability of frontal alpha asymmetry in depressed patients during antdepressant treatment. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nicl.2019.102056
Van der Vinne, N., Vollebregt, M. A., van Putten, M. J. A. M., & Arns, M. (2017). Frontal alpha asymmetry as a diagnostic marker in depression: Fact or fiction? A meta-analysis. NeuroImage: Clinical, 16, 79-87. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nicl.2017.07.006
de Beurs, E., Barendregt, M., de Heer, A., van Duijn, E., Goeree, B., Kloos, M., Kooiman, K., Lionarons, H., & Merks, A. (2016). Comparing Methods to Denote Treatment Outcome in Clinical Research and Benchmarking Mental Health Care. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 23(5), 308-318. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.1954

Under review

Zwienenberg: Heart-Brain Coupling: Frontal Excitability Threshold & Qualitative Differences for Shorter Pulses. European Conference of Brain Stimulation, Lissabon, Portugal, April 2024.
Zwienenberg: rTMS-induced heart-brain coupling: implications for site selection and frontal thresholding? BeNe Brain Stimulation Symposium, Hasselt, België.
Prentice: EEG-biomarkers gericht op de predictie van behandelsucces en op het meten van hardnekkigheid van depressie. Symposium RGOC netwerk Angst en Stemming, Groningen, Nederland
Zwienenberg: Neuro-cardiac guided rTMS voor depressie: stratificatie tussen ‘5cm’ en ‘BeamF3’ locatie. Rob Giel Onderzoekscentrum & Netwerk Stemming en Angst symposium, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Zwienenberg: Heartbeat evoked potential in MDD: A biomarker for differential treatment prediction between venlafaxine and rTMS? Brain Stimulation, Charleston, South Carolina, USA.
Van der Vinne: Temporal Development of Depression Biomarkers from the iSPOT- D study: State or Trait. 20th biennial International Pharmaco-EEG Society IPEG Meeting, Zürich. Neuropsychobiology 2019;77(3):S2-3.
Van der Vinne: EEG-biomarkers in depressiebehandeling en implementatie in een reguliere gezondheidszorginstelling. Behandeling onder de loep!, NedKAD-conferentie, Amersfoort.
Van der Vinne: Temporal Development of Depression Biomarkers From the iSPOT-D Study: State or Trait. 73rd Annual Meeting Society of Biological Psychiatry SOBP, New York. Biological Psychiatry 2018;83(9):136.

A. Prentice, Y. Kolken, C. Tuttle, J. van Neijenhof, R. Pitch, I. van Oostrom, V. Kruiver, J. Downar, A.T. Sack, M. Arns & N. van der Vinne (2023). Depression improvement with right orbitofrontal TMS after unsuccessful DLPFC TMS. BeNe Symposium Nijmegen, november 2023. research-posters (eerste poster)
L. Zwienenberg, E. Dijkstra, H. van Dijk, R. Rouwhorst, V. Middleton, K. Wendt, H. Hutchinson, J. Downar, A.T. Sack, C. Stagg & M. Arns. (2023). Heart-Brain Coupling TMS: from Motor Threshold to Frontal Threshold & the Effects of Different Pulse Parameters. BeNe symposium, Nijmegen, November 2023. research-posters (tweede poster)
Prentice: Rostral anterior cingulate cortex as an antidepressant treatment predictor or for indexing treatment resistance? BeNe Brain Stimulation Symposium, Hasselt, België.
Prentice, A., Meijs, H., van der Vinne, N., van Wingen, G., Blumberger, D., Daskalakis, Z., ... & Arns, M. (2021). Investigating EEG biomarker specificity to combined rTMS with psychotherapy: Psychotherapy, rTMS or sham? A blinded prediction study. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 14(6), 1601.
Van der Vinne, N., van Oostrom, I., Arns, M. (2021). Right orbitofrontal TMS as a fallback after unsuccessful DLPFC rTMS? Brain Stimulation, 14, 6, 1687-1688. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2021.10.319
Van der Vinne, N., Vollebregt, M., Arns, M. (2016). Frontal alpha asymmetry in depression: fact or fiction? A meta-analysis. 19th biennial IPEG Meeting, October 2016, Nijmegen. For abstract see: Neuropsychiatric Electrophysiology 2016;2(8):A85.
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